5 More Resources for Growing Photography Businesses

Growing a photography business can be HARD! You know that you love being behind the camera, interacting with your clients and making the photographs. But all the "other" stuff about running and growing a business can feel overwhelming. 

Here are some more resources that I have found super helpful, in addition to 3 of my favorite resources for new photographers that I shared before. I hope these are as helpful for you as they have been for me! 

1. A good planner/organizer

Staying organized is key to running a successful business. Keeping your appointments, scheduling shoots, keeping track of delivery dates...this is important to know and be on top of. Maybe you have a system that works great for you already, but I found an industry specific planner that might be just what you need! 

The Complete Photography Business Planner from Modern Market includes 62 printable business sheets specifically for photographers. Things like daily business duties, session checklist, monthly calendar, client booking sheet, income tracker and goals sheet, location scouting and a marketing checklist are just some of the resources. Keep all the things in one place and you'll feel so organized and on top of your business. 

2. Branding your Instagram

There is a LOT of potential on this platform, specifically for photographers because Instagram is all about the visual, and you've got images to share! But if you think about your Instagram feed as more than just a gallery of your work, you could connect with your dream clients on a whole other level. Think about the content you're sharing and how it relates to and enhances your brand. 

A really fabulous post I found recently that has helped me to personally up-level my own Instagram game is this post by Julie Harris Design. It is a free Instagram challenge with 31 days of photo prompts to help you build your brand, not just a gallery. There are so many killer ideas on her list that I've had great success with implementing. Give it a try for yourself! It might be a game-changer for you too. 

3. Build a referral circle

Wedding photographer Jamie Delaine has been a favorite of mine for a long time. She's spunky, creates beautiful work, and gives of herself and her knowledge on her blog. A great post she had last year that I wanted to share with you was all about building a referral circle for your photography business. It was a unique approach to handling and growing your inquiries. Hop on over to check out the post and her video explaining all about it. 

4. It's all about the Jaw

One thing I hear people say again and again when getting ready for a shoot is: "I'm not photogenic..." I always reassure them because I've got some tricks in my back pocket that help me direct my clients to look their best. One of these tricks is best explained by photographer Peter Hurley. You've got to see this video where he explains and shows the power of the jawline and how to coach people into looking their best. Click play below. He's also got another terrific video about what he calls "the squinch" which is another must-watch


5. Virtual Assistants for Photographers 

I am a big believer in outsourcing the things you don't like doing so that you can focus your time and energy on the things only you can do in your business. Perhaps its uploading your cards and culling images after a shoot, maybe you don't enjoy the editing process, or album design is the bane of your existence. These are all things that a VA could do for you, along with other business specific tasks like email, scheduling, social media management, payments and communicating with clients. This is another way that I can help you grow your business, and I'd love to be your VA! Are you at a point where bringing on a team member is the next logical step in your growth? Shoot me a message so we can talk about the tasks you want to delegate so you can focus on what you do best and we'll see if we would be a good fit. I think we'd make a great team! 

What are some of your favorite resources? Is there something that has helped you grow your own photography business? Share in the comments below. I'd love to hear, and I'm sure you'll help other photographers too. #communityovercompetition 


Kyle Mize Productions


Motivation Monday: Do Anything